Thursday, August 16, 2018

About get ready and do this next week. Been an amazing time at home but it is time to get out there and do the damn thing. I am blessed to still be able to call this a career. Who the hell would of thought that we would release 10 records. I never thought that would of happened. But Elias was very honest in saying "Robb I want to do this for the rest of my life". That will always resonate with me. I love all my band members. My absolute favorite line up we have ever had. We laugh together and jam together. How cool is that? That the members of your band are actually friends. I remember when we were in Australia one of the guys playing the festival came to us and said. You guys actually hang out together? I hate all my band members. That was very sad to hear that he felt that way but I could relate to that though. It's not easy to be in a band with people that you do not get along with. The good part is that I jam no Ill will towards any former bandmate I have had. Being a parent changes you and gives you a purpose that hate can't no longer have residency in your heart. I do dislike stuff and certain people out there sometimes need a good snack in the face but having a family has balanced me in an amazing way. 

10 records... crazy huh? How fortunate am I that people still believe in us and want us to record albums. It's something I never dreamed to be doing still at 48 that's for damn sure. 

Been listening to some cool stuff later. Light The Torch, Bury Tomorrow, Meshiakk, Ruach, 
Check these bands out!!!. 

Well some cool announcements coming. 

Peace Out. 

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